Monday, November 15, 2010

Meeting a New Friend

I hope to make mention of many of the folks I have met in person in the scene.   Today's post is just a little about one of the tops I have met.

In 2009, I started chatting with a top because his screen name made me chuckle - RumpRoaster.  Within a couple of months, we had progressed to some IM, phone chats and meeting up.  He is a *cough* *sputter* a good *cough* *cough* spanker and really fun to hang out with too, both vanilla and spanking. (Can't believe I'm saying that since he HAS broken both a plastic-made-to-look-like wooden hair brush AND a ping pong paddle on my butt - see above picture.)

I've found he loves certain things in particular:  a brat sticking their tongue out at him, mayonnaise on anything and everything, and pink (not white) denture cream.  He also is quite fond of a brat, any brat, bouncing up and down on the couch saying, "spank me, spank me" when he is trying to veg out or watch tv - or at 1AM.  Another favorite of his is if someone moves his implements to much safer locations.  If you meet him one day, try one or all of these!  You can tell him I told you :).  He will be so appreciative.


  1. Thanks for telling us about this person. Lol, and you wonder why those implements were broken.....?
